Thursday, March 11, 2010

White Bay day 2

It looks like another perfect day, a few clouds but lots of sun to go with them. Time to check out the west end of the bay and the Soggy Dollar bar. Noah and Delaina head in with the kayak and follow a path over the rocky point in the middle of the bay. Tracy and I head in with the dinghy towards Ivan’s to pay for the ball and make a relatively dry beach landing. There’ no one working at Ivan’s but there are several campers making breakfast in the back room. Back to the dinghy and off towards the other end of the beach. Noah and Delaina have met 4 goats on the path and are all excited. We walk the beach and check out the restaurants and shops.   They are mostly bbq shacks, so not much going on in the morning. Kids swim on the beach.

Delaina at White Bay Tracy at White Bay 




Mike and Delaina at White BayNoah at White bay


White Bay

We head back to the Soggy Dollar which looks open with several people sitting around at tables. I guess they are just hanging out, there’s no bartender working yet, so we have to wait about a 1/2 hour for our first Painkiller. We kill time sitting in the hammock and playing the ring game. Delaina has quite a knack, and racks up close to 50 before we leave.


The Hammock at Soggy Dollar Noah and Delaina playing the Ring Game The Soggy Dollar BarAt Soggy Dollar   Noah and Delaina playing the Ring Game

As good as the bbq sounds, we have a LOT of food back on the boat and need to use it up. So we launch the dinghy and head back for burgers on grill. Just about out of propane, so Noah and I head out around the point into Great Harbor. This is the main harbor on JVD, so you’d think they would have a decent store and propane would be a common item – nope. As we are learning, nothing is as easy as it sounds here in the islands. The first store sent us to the second store at the other end of the beach. While leaving the store, we stop for ice cream and they suggest Ali Babba’s in the center of town. Ali Babba’s is a bar, so we skip that and head towards the second store, but pass a dive shop on the way. They suggest the fuel dock, which is way down around the bay, past the second grocery. So we continue on to the second grocery. No luck there, so on to the fuel dock. The guy at the fuel dock says he has propane, but its back at his house. He can’t leave because he must run the fuel dock, but he’ll call his wife and she will bring some in an hour or so. OK, small progress. Back towards the center of the town to kill time and get the dinghy. On the way we pass Ali Babba’s  again and figure what the heck we’ll try. It takes a while to get the waitresses attention (she’s in the back cooking), but when she comes out she confirms that yes, they have no propane. There is only one table of people, but one of the asks, ‘how long are you going to be here?’ Here we go again, I think. He says he had a propane problem on his boat and bought several small cans as a back-up. He fixed the problem and now doesn’t need the cans. But they just ordered food and he doesn’t want to run out to the boat until after lunch. This seems more likely to happen then the fuel dock guys wife showing up before sundown, so we agree and head on down towards Foxy’s to kill time. I’ve gotta say its surprising that Foxy’s is so famous. There really isn’t much here. Maybe its just a late night kind of place. All in all, great harbor isn’t that appealing. We’ll have to come back to clear customs when the See’s come to visit, but hopefully we won’t have to stay long. 

While our Great Harbor Propane Adventure was playing out, Tracy and Delaina had gone back to the beach to get some hair braids. (the humidity and wind is not being kind to either of them)  Hair Braids at White BayHair Braids at White Bay


  1. Loving the blog postings. I see from the photos you haven't found an eyepatch yet.

  2. You left us hanging, did you get propane?
